Monday, September 26, 2011

life made lovely monday

i don't know how i did it.
i really don't.
but i did it!!
survived a whole entire week without my husband!
all alone with the 5 children! 
yes, many people get dizzy just thinking of my job,
my life, my plate :)
i get dizzy too sometimes!

here is one of my secrets to my success
i am addicted to coffee/hot beverages.
i thank God for them daily.

 another secret:
these kids are so darn cute and squeezable,
that makes this job a bit more bearable!

especially when they give me kisses!!
makes my life very much more lovely!!
so feel free to have your children pay you in kisses and hugs!
i do! :)
makes life more lovely, i think!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Props to you Susanna!!! Major props! God is with you=)
